Master of Science in Water and Environmental Engineering

Master of Science in Water and Environmental Engineering

Course Introduction

In achieving our vision of becoming an outstanding, well-recognized academic centre of excellence in Civil and Environmental Engineering, we have given an important place for continuous professional development as well as high quality research work.

In early 2012, the department started its first M.Eng program to cater the demands for postgraduate education in the area of civil and environmental engineering. At present the students of the third intake are continuing their program. Further the department is planning for the next intake with more opportunities for specialization.

The course takes one year on full time basis and two years in part time basis. This program can be completed with more emphasis on research or more emphasis on taught modules. The program is expected to be advertised in every other year, and priority is given to the candidates with high academic/ research potential and substantial industrial exposure.

Eligibility Requirements
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering specializing in Civil Engineering or in a relevant field, OR
  • Associate membership of a recognized professional Engineering Institute with a minimum of one year of relevant industrial experience.

Course Details
  • Duration: 02 Years
    (Coursework: 45 credits | Research component: 15 credits)

  • Medium: English

  • Course structure :
    All modules are elective and complemented by coursework and seminars where participants are provided the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice. Candidates have the flexibility to select their modules from the list below to satisfy the credit requirements for graduation in the selected field of specialization. All lectures, seminars, field visits are conducted on Fridays and Saturdays during three semesters.

  • Weekend Programme

  • Venue : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • SLQF : 10
